
가끔 시나리오를 플레이 하다보면 자원 생산하는 곳과 그 자원을 필요로 하는 곳이 붙어 있거나 일정 거리 이내에 있을 경우가 있습니다.

그럴 경우 자원을 수송하더라도 자동으로 물건을 내리지 못하고 다시 돌아갑니다.

그로 인해 손실이 발생하게 되죠.

그러한 손실을 줄이려면 정거장을 잘 설치하거나 Unload기능을 적극 활용하는 수 밖에는 없습니다.

Unload기능은 따로 설명할 내용이 없어서 그냥 정거장 설치에 관한 부분만 설명을 하도록 하겠습니다.

모든 정거장을 설명하지 않고 트럭 정류장만 설명하도록 하겠습니다.

다른 것도 모두 동일합니다. 아래 그림과 같이 트럭 정류장 건설 모드를 실행 시키세요.

사용자 삽입 이미지

중간에 Coverage area highlight라는게 있습니다.

이걸 On 시켜주세요.

이건 그 정거장이 영향을 미치는 범위가 어디까지인지 표시를 하는 것입니다.

영향이란 물건을 가져오거나 줄 수 있는 것을 말합니다.

사용자 삽입 이미지

정유소 근처에 정거장을 지어봅시다.

위 그림과 같이 지을 경우 트럭은 다시 기름을 싣고서 돌아갑니다.

자동으로 절대 내리지 않습니다.

왜일까요? 눈치가 빠르신 분은 아시겠죠.

Oil Wells 중 하나가 정유소 근처 정류장에 포함이 되죠.

사용자 삽입 이미지

저런 경우일 경우 포함이 안 되도록 위치를 잘 조절해서 건설을 해 주시면 됩니다.

OpenTTD 0.5.1 버전이 나왔습니다.


인스톨 버전



업데이트 내용입니다.
사타군의 귀차니즘으로 해석 불가 ㅡ.ㅡ;;;;
사실 그 보다도 트타를 안 한지 너무 오래되서 뭐가 뭔지 잘 모른다는......
킁...... 다시 트타를 해야 하는데, 너무 귀찮아.~~~~~
0.5.1 (2007-04-20)

0.5.1-RC3 (2007-04-17)
- Feature: Add list_patches to console commands; shows all patches and values (r9565)
- Fix: Select "Custom" in the difficulty settings gui when changing a setting [FS#733] (r9647)
- Fix: Building rail on steep slopes ignored build_on_slopes patch setting (r9602)
- Fix: Wrong characters in Finnish town names (r9641)
- Fix: When checking for no vehicle on ground-tiles, do not take into account vehicles that are in the air (r9542)
- Fix: Bankrupt AIs no longer buy over themselves (also added safeguards to prevent in future) (r9540 / r9541)
- Fix: When company is removed, sell all shares of the and in the company (r9533)
- Fix: Crash when 2 or more clients joined at roughly the same time (r9529)
- Fix: Custom currency was overwritten and fix euro introduction (r9467, r9469)
- Fix: Values of diff_custom and snow_line in .cfg were not checked properly (r9455)
- Fix: When deleting a vehicle which has shared orders with one more vehicle and no orders, segfaulted (r9429)

0.5.1-RC2 (2007-03-23)
- Fix: crashes when the chatbox would be drawn outside of the main window [FS#701] (r9420)
- Fix: reading out of an array caused a segmentation fault [FS#694] (r9394)

0.5.1-RC1 (2007-03-20)
- Feature: Translation dependant formatting of dates (r8906)
- Feature: Kick inactive initial network connections after some time [FS#115] (r9038, r9061)
- Feature: Add an extra news group for opening and closing of industries (r9097)
- Codechange: Disable shares by default and increase the default maximum distance from edge for oil refineries (r9339)
- Codechange: When you started openttd with '-g' you got the same map every run (r9205)
- Codechange: When all news-setting buttons are 'full', make the for-all button show 'full' too (r9137)
- Codechange: Disable the ability to make flooding water with the canal build tool. In the scenario editor you can still make both canals and flood water at height level 0 [FS#622, FS#629] (r9105, r9115)
- Codechange: The station list, sorted by cargo rating, now takes stations into account that have no cargo waiting [FS#595] (r9062)
- Fix: Close the Shared Order Vehicle List if you remove the shared link with only 2 vehicles (r9338)
- Fix: A34-1000, Z-Shuttle, and Kelling K1 are now listed as small aircraft (r9298)
- Fix: Shared orders got messed up when the 'first' trains got removed in the depot [FS#685] (r9277)
- Fix: Use a less CPU-intensive algorithm to find a random industry for the AI to prevent it slowing down the game [FS#644] (r9251)
- Fix: When loading games, enroute_from was updated in the wrong place, causing issues with TTD savegames/scenarios (r9147)
- Fix: "Train is lost" message is generated incorrectly [FS#676] (r9146)
- Fix: Difficulty level button was not selected when opening the difficulty window (r9117)
- Fix: The wrong catenary wires were drawn for tunnel entrances [FS#612] (r9077)
- Fix: The intercontinental airport used 'T-junction' runway sprites when there is no exit in the middle of the runway as in the city airport [FS#529] (r9076)
- Fix: [win] dedicated console now doesn't need an extra 'enter' to fully quit [FS#459] (r9074)
- Fix: Take over companies properly in multiplayer games [FS#459] (r9071)
- Fix: When a bribe failed and you haven't picked up cargo yet, you would never be able to do so for a given station [FS#404] (r9070)
- Fix: Don't keep on scrolling for non-numeric values in settings, but require reclick [FS#663] (r9064)
- Fix: The personal (.openttd) directories were hidden in the load/save directory listings [FS#652] (r9043)
- Fix: Desync caused by buffer overflow [FS#664] (r9027)
- Fix: When cutting strings into multiple lines also take into consideration whitespace characters of more than 1 byte length. (r9012)
- Fix: Play the correct engine sound based on the engine type instead of the sprite (r9009)
- Fix: New locomotive names were not announced in the news, it said "new railway locomotive available - railway locomotive" [FS#581] (r9000, r9001)
- Fix: [NewGRF] Do not select a disabled platform length/number of track count when going out of drag-drop mode [FS#450] (r8999)
- Fix: [win] Resolution doubled in cfg file when fullscreen mode used [FS#642] (r8994)
- Fix: The industry list should also be (re)set when the number of industries is 0 [FS#656] (r8980)
- Fix: [win] Possible buffer overflow if unicode text is pasted into an input box and needs trimming. (r8975)
- Fix: [win] Support compilation with the Vista Platform SDK (r8974)
- Fix: Crash on loading savegames with GRFs that do not have their GRF info/name set (r8955)
- Fix: [NewGRF] support for vehicle variable 48 was wrong (r8943)